{Proverbs 16:18}- Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.
BEWARE OF PRIDE! Pride is what got Lucifer (satan) kicked out of heaven and has brought many a person down to destruction! {Isaiah 14:12-15} Pride...It's often so subtle that we or others barely notice it; but if left unattended, will destroy relationships, tear down churches, ruin businesses and annihilate families!
Pride is such a sneaky little demon! In fact, many reading this right now, may be thinking that PRIDE is not something that is an issue in your life! But the very fact, that you even 'think' that, shows that you may have this spirit! You see, we all do in some form or fashion! We just have to be willing to examine our hearts and allow God to show us what we need to see!
You see, we should all be able to accept 'constructive' criticism- for without it, we would never be able to learn and grow! {Proverbs 15:32} We should all be able to abide by 'just and fair' rules- for without them our families, ministries, businesses,etc., will all be destroyed, as their will be no order! And where there is no order, chaos is bound to ensue! {Hebrews 13:17, Romans 13:1-5, Ephesians 6:1-4, Titus 3:1, Romans 12:18} We should all be able to learn from others- for none of us know it all! We could learn a lot from a child or even an animal if we are willing! Beloveds, we should all be able to say the words, "I'M SORRY," when we know we are in the wrong and have hurt someone; just the same as we want others to apologize to us when we've been wronged! {James 5:16, Matthew 5:23-24, 1 John 4:7-8} We should all be willing to serve others instead of expecting to be served all the time! IF Jesus did it, who are we?! {Matthew 20:28} We should all be able to admit that we NEED help sometimes! Yes, we NEED others in our lives no matter how independent we may be! {Genesis 2:18}And for those who think they are so "spiritually superior" to others- you must remember that you are not GOD but you are HUMAN! So guess what?! That means that you live, move, breathe and go to the bathroom just like the rest of us! {Acts 17:28} You make mistakes, you have flaws, you have fears, problems and a past too!
Don't ever think that you are so close to God that you forget where you came from! You were a sinner just like the rest of us! The only difference between you and an unbeliever is you were saved by GRACE! {Ephesians 2:8-9} So allow others to make mistakes without crucifying them! JESUS ALREADY TOOK THEIR PLACE! When correction is needed, do it in the SPIRIT OF LOVE and NOT CONDEMNATION- and only as the HOLY SPIRIT leads!{Romans 8:1-4} Pray for those whose faith is weaker than yours in a certain area- don't belittle them! {Romans 14:1} The fact that you behave in these ways prove that you are NOT where you THINK you are! Remember, JESUS had compassion and love- and when discipline/correction was needed, He did so in the spirit of love and not pride!
So just because you go to church every time the doors are open, doesn't make you aCHRISTIAN anymore so than if I were to sit in a garage would make me a car; or anymore so than if I were to hang myself on a clothing rack, would make me a garment!I could call myself by YOUR name all day long, but I'm still going to be ME!
Just because you out gave every member of your church this year, does not mean you did it from a RIGHT heart, especially if you made sure that others KNEW about it! Just because your kids never got in trouble with the law, doesn't mean you are the best parent in the world- none of us are perfect in and of ourselves! Your kids may not have gotten caught yet! OR maybe they don't break the law, but I'm sure they have other issues-just like the rest of us do! Just because you are getting paid six figures or more doesn't mean that you are rich! True riches are found in CHRIST, and not in this lowly world that is quickly passing away no matter how many zeros are at the end of your paycheck! {Matthew 6:19-21, 24} It's a beautiful thing that you have a great marriage- but that doesn't mean that problems won't ever come! You better be careful looking down on those who have troubled marriages/relationships because God does His mightiest work through those, because there are no TESTIMONIES without TESTS; and the greater the trials, the greater the testimony and rewards! And you never know when you or your spouse may encounter trials that you may NOT overcome just because of how you judged others!!! I could go on and on, but I think I made my point! BEWARE OF PRIDE BECAUSE THOSE WHO EXALT THEMSELVES (RAISE THEMSELVES ABOVE OTHERS), GOD WILL SOON HUMBLE (BRING LOW)!!!!!!!!!
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