
Wednesday, October 5, 2011


‎{{{ I KNOW THIS IS GOING TO UPSET SOME PEOPLE BUT I HAVE TO SPEAK THE TRUTH AND SHAME THE DEVIL!!! IT'S TRULY HEARTBREAKING TO SEE THE CONDITION THAT THE *CHURCH* IS IN TODAY!}}} When LEADERS are MORE CONCERNED about the NUMBERS (so they can get MORE MONEY/POWER) than they are LEADING SOULS TO CHRIST, **WE HAVE A BIG PROBLEM!** When people are LEAVING the very churches they CAME to for help, feeling WORSE than they were when they came in, *SOMETHING IS WRONG!* When our LEADERS become MORE CONCERNED with how they LOOK in front of others, and they become so WRAPPED UP in the CARES OF THIS WORLD (many times behaving the SAME or even WORSE than those they are SUPPOSED TO LEAD); that they don't make time to CALL, VISIT, or PRAY FOR THEIR MEMBERS (and some barely even SPEAK when they see you in the church unless your apart of a 'select' group), **CHANGE MUST BE MADE!** Beloveds, when LEADERS, so bluntly TURN A BLIND EYE, DEAF EAR and MUTE MOUTH TO KNOWN SIN in our congregations/ministries, because they don't want to OFFEND anyone (thereby LOSING members, hence LOSING money), **THEY ARE LEADING ALRIGHT.... LEADING SOULS STRAIGHT TO HELL!** What is going on?! {{{WE MUST STOP PLAYING CHURCH!!!!}}} LORD HAVE MERCY!!! FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO! Beloveds, let us lift the church (ENTIRE BODY OF CHRIST) up in prayer! Selah! 

{1 Corinthians 5:12-13 AMP}-What [business] of mine is it and what right have I to judge outsiders? IS IT NOT THOSE *INSIDE* [the church] UPON WHOM YOU ARE TO PASS *DISCIPLINARY* JUDGMENT [passing censuring sentence on them as the facts require]?

{Mark 9:42 AMP}- And WHOEVER CAUSES one of these little ones (these believers) who acknowledge and cleave to Me to STUMBLE AND SIN would be better (more profitable and wholesome) for him if a [huge] millstone were hung about his neck, and he were thrown into the sea.

{Matthew 12:36-37 AMP}-But I tell you, on the DAY OF JUDGMENT men will have to give account for EVERY idle (inoperative, nonworking) word they speak. 37 For by your words you will be justified and acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned and sentenced.

~NOTE: The Holy Spirit revealed to me that we will have to give an account for those words/deeds NOT spoken/done that SHOULD have been spoken/done, as well!

Copyright © 2011

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