
Thursday, February 23, 2017


There are times when we not only need to PRAY for others, (or about certain situations), but we are to actually HELP them in some way, or actually MAKE MOVES. In other words, we too often ASK GOD to do what He has already ENABLED and GIVEN US THE POWER/AUTHORITY to do.

Rememeber WE are His body and representatives here on earth. {1 Corinthians 12:27, 2 Corinthians 5:20} So when God places someone on your heart, yes PRAY for them, but also ask God HOW MIGHT HE USE {YOU} TO HELP THEM!!!

And when certain issues arise (within your control), instead of praying and waiting, ASK GOD is there anything YOU should be DOING. We aren't always supposed to be waiting/being still. Sometimes we must ACT and then we'll discover God has ALREADY PROVIDED all we need.

For example, if I enter a DARK ROOM, and put my hand on the light switch, without FLIPPING IT ON; but instead I stand there praying, asking GOD to give me light (which is ALREADY provided), guess what would happen?! I'd be standing there all day/night,....unless I actually FLIP THE LIGHT ON!

The same is true when it comes to other areas of our lives too. Often times we don't see the ANSWER to our prayers, because we don't realize that WE HAVE TO DO OUR PARTS TOO! Selah. 

{James 2:15-17}- If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but YOU DO NOT GIVE THEM THE THINGS WHICH ARE NEEDED for the body, WHAT DOES IT PROFIT? Thus also FAITH BY ITSELF, IF IT DOES NOT HAVE WORKS, IS DEAD. (emphasis added, mines)


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