
Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Too often, we struggle to HOLD ON to things (or people), that the Lord wants us to LET GO of; and we LET GO of those in which He wants us to HOLD ON to!

For example: A difficult marriage-we want out, so we call it quits; but boxes of junk packed in our basement for years, we want to keep! Or….Someone else’s mate-we want; but waiting on God for our own-don’t want that! Sometimes the most important things, are those we have to work at and wait for!

We have our priorities so mixed up at times, that we will attribute the things of God to Satan and vice versa! We will be quick to thank ‘God’ for bringing us this wonderful man/woman who only has this one problem- He/she is married! What?! I don’t know what ‘god’ you worship, but the One and only true God is NOT going to send you someone He has already united to another! There’s no need to pray on that one! We’ve got to learn to use our God given common sense even when it goes against what we so desire! That’s not a gift from God, but a set up from Satan!

Or we will get so upset when that man/woman refuses to leave his/her mate to be with us, and say that it’s the devil trying to make your life miserable; when in essence, it’s God removing the hindrance (curse) from your life!

My friends, this applies not only to our marriages, but other relationships, and areas of our lives as well! We’ve got to learn when to resist (LET GO, GET RID OF, FIGHT AGAINST) and when to submit (HOLD ON, KEEP, GIVE IN TO). Everything that we think is ‘good’ is not necessarily from God. And everything that we think is ’bad’ is not necessarily from Satan! We’ve got to pray for wisdom and discernment, and again- learn to use common sense! Just because something is difficult and we have to work at it, doesn't mean it's the enemy! But when we have to work at or change who we are (who God created us to be) in order for someone else to love or accept us; or we have to struggle so much that it destroys us to keep something (home, car, other material things) there's a problem! There has to be a healthy balance in all areas of our lives!

The new year is fast approaching, let us not carry ’yesterday’s mess’ into what could be ‘tomorrow’s blessings.’


Let go of all of the bitterness, the anger, the envy & strife
Hold on to your ‘not so perfect’ husband or wife

But let go of someone else’s husband or wife
Hold on to the Lord- Who has wonderful things planned for your life  

Let go of all the worries, the doubts, the fears
Hold on my friend, for God truly does care
Let go of the struggles, the pain and tears
Hold onto the knowledge that all of your cries, God surely hears

Let go of the abuse, the molestation and rape
Hold on to the dreams, the vision, and faith


Remember my friends: There are some people (and things) in your life that are NOT meant to continue on your journey with you! I don’t care how ’perfectly packaged’ they may seem! Some of them were sent for a reason, or a season, but not for a lifetime! And some of them were not sent to you by God! Some were sent from the enemy to try to destroy you! The enemy knows your desires and will certainly appeal to them (hence, sending you exactly what/who you THINK you want). They areDESTINY ROBBERS!

And there are some in your life, that you are overlooking because they are not ‘packaged’ the way you want them to be! They aren’t good enough for you. They don’t do what you want them to do and so you have been tricked into thinking they aren’t for you! So you throw away your blessing!

You cannot embrace (receive) the wonderful things God has for you, until you get rid of those things that are hindering you! No, you cannot move forward into your future, while you are still bound to the past! LET 'THINGS' GO! But be careful my friends! You've got to learn what/who to LET GO of and what/who to HOLD ON to! Your life could very well depend on it! Selah!

(Philippians 3:12-14) -12-Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. 13-Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, FORGETTING THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE BEHIND AND REACHING FORWARD TO THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE AHEAD, 14-I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

(Matthew 6:19-20) -19-Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; 20-but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.

 Copyright © 2011

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