
Friday, October 22, 2010



1 Timothy 2:1-2 (New Living Translation)

1 I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. 2 Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.

The Spirit of God has placed this message so heavily upon my heart! I have heard quite a few stories lately, of how many Christian people have been falling into sin and many even committing suicide-including our leaders! The Spirit showed me that this (in many cases) is due to the fact that as Christians- (especially the leaders), we feel ashamed to ask others for help when we are going through the storms of life! Why? Because so many depend on us to help them through and they look to us as having it all together. When we do admit that we too get weak, as we are human too; people will often criticize us for that! They'll say something like: "You are supposed to be a Minister, why are you stressing?" "If you are a Christian, why are you doing this or that?"

Those types of words are what causes many people to NOT say a thing! The devil uses those words against us and they fester in our minds and hearts, and make us ashamed to seek help! The pressure builds and builds until we can't take it any longer, and many without knowing where else to turn; commit suicide! Lord have mercy! Many forget, that sometimes "THE MINISTER NEEDS MINISTERING TO, TOO!"

I write to you today, to encourage you: No matter your position in the Body of Christ, do NOT be ashamed to seek help if you need it! You are human like anyone else, and it is the leaders who most times get attacked the hardest! The enemy will do any and everything possible to try to discredit our witness! He not only targets our areas of weakness, but our areas of strength! Never feel that you are so 'holy' that you can't fall! Never feel that you have it all together and don't need anyone else! God made us to not only worship and serve Him, but to fellowship with one another! Don't let the enemy lie to you any longer! We ALL need somebody! Yes, we have God, but we need other people to! God often uses us to speak through, to one another! "THE MINISTER NEEDS MINISTERING TO, TOO!"

I want you all to know that if you are going through a difficult season, and you don't know where to turn, I'm here! If you need someone to listen to you, pray with you, whatever, I'm here! I mean that sincerely from the bottom of my heart! My brothers and sisters, I'M HERE! I know that sometimes,"THE MINISTER NEEDS MINISTERING TO, TOO!"

God bless you all my brothers and sisters! Peace be with you all!

Copyright © 2010

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